Books/Book Chapters
Leung, W. K., Lau, Y. Y. & Ma, S. Y. (2023) 三聯書店(香港)有限公司, Hong Kong, ISBN: 9789620451232 Abstract: 本書三位作者,透過其物流業知識、在殯儀業及社福界多年的經驗及個案,分享遺體運輸、凶宅清理、喪葬禮俗、殯儀業潛規則等行業內部議題,讓大眾一窺神秘的殯儀行業;臨終小故事的分享,亦望讀者能從中能夠思考人生意義,珍惜身邊人。
Lau, Y. Y. & Kawasaki, T. (2023) MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, ISBN: 978-3-0365-6926-0 Abstract: This is a reprint of articles from the Special Issue published online in the open access journal, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (ISSN 2077-1312).
Lau, Y. Y., Wu, Y. A., Tang, Y. M. & Wong, L. M. J. (2023) In Revolutionizing Digital Healthcare Through Blockchain Technology Applications, IGI Global: United Kingdom, pp. 207-226 Abstract: explores the current applications and future opportunities of blockchain technology in digital health...
Lau, Y. Y., Chan, E. M. H. & Chan. (2023) In Hong C and Ma W K (Eds): Applied Degree Education: The Shape of Things to Come, Springer: Switzerland. Abstract: The emergence of macro business simulation games has created the transformation of learning pedagogy...
Lau, Y. Y., Yuk Ming, T., & Wai Keung, L. (2023) Bentham Books. ISBN: 9789815196009 (146 pages) Abstract: The emergence of macro business simulation games has created the transformation of learning pedagogy...
Leung, H. H., Yorke, S. M., & Ng, A. W. (2023) In Financial and Technological Innovation for Sustainability: Environmental, Social and Governance Performance. Taylor and Francis, Routledge, UK. Abstract: Social bond is an innovative financial instrument designed to raise funds to invest...
Tse, P. M., & Ho, S. Y. P. (2023) In Prospects and Challenges of Global Pilgrimage Tourism and Hospitality (pp. 96-106). IGI Global. Abstract: Pilgrimage tourism is gaining more attention in tourism literature in the past decade...
Wang, J. J., Ng, A. K. Y., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) In Port Systems in Global Competition: Spatial-Economic Perspectives on the Co-Development of Seaports (pp. 89-100). Taylor and Francis. Abstract: This chapter gives general discussions and conceptual ideas relevant to the duality of transport systems...
Wu, A. Y., Lau, Y. Y., Wong, L. M., Wu, J., & Dong, Z. Y. (2023) In Financial and Technological Innovation for Sustainability: Environmental, Social and Governance Performance (pp. 213-230). Taylor and Francis. Abstract: The continuous upgrade and development of the transport system in the Asia-Pacific has fostered economic growth...
Wu, A. Y., Wut, T. M. E., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) In: Leal Filho, W., Ng, T. F., Iyer-Raniga, U., Ng, A., Sharifi, A. (eds) SDGs in the Asia and Pacific Region . Implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals – Regional Perspectives. Springer, Cham. Abstract: Smart cities haves been a prevailing topic under the global trend of sustainable development over the past decade...
Wu, S. M., Chan, F. T. S., & Chung, S. H. (2023) In Huang, C. Y., Dekkers, R., Chiu, S. F., Popescu, D., Quezada, L. (eds) Intelligent and Transformative Production in Pandemic Times. Lecture Notes in Production Engineering. Springer, Cham. Abstract: In recent years, the environment has become a hot topic among the government, society, and enterprises due to global warming...
Yorke, S. M., Adom, P. K., & Ng, A. (2023) In In Financial and Technological Innovation for Sustainability: Environmental, Social and Governance Performance (1st ed.). Routledge. Abstract: The COVID-19 crisis has proven that sustainability of an institution or organization requires a constant review... |