Journal PapersJournal paper Lee, D., & Wan, C. (2023) Journal of Interactive Marketing Abstract: Food live streaming shopping, which features a host eating and promoting the products to viewers, has become a new form of food marketing... Journal paper Wut, T. M., Xu, J. B., & Wong, H. S. (2023) Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology Abstract: The purpose of the study is to investigate the effects of CSR practices on corporate reputation in social media crises... Journal paper Mathew, A., Isbanner, S., Xi, Y., Rundle-Thiele, S., David, P., Li, G., & Lee, D. (2023) Journal of Environmental Management Abstract: Plastic waste is a leading contributor to climate change due to its build up in landfill and oceans... Journal paper Lau, Y. Y. & Cheung, L. M. E. (2023) Asia Pacific Education Review Abstract: Sub‐degree education is one of the key higher education sectors in Hong Kong. With the effect of managerialism, tertiary institutions tend to transition from a collegial toward a managerial model... Journal paper Lau, Y. Y., Kanrak, M., Ng, A. K. Y. & Ling, X. (2023) Polar Geography Abstract: This study analyzes the network structure and popular routes of Arctic cruise shipping in order to identify popular cruise ports and routes... Journal paper Guan, J., Lau, Y. Y., Lam, C. C. C. & Lei, Z. (2023) Journal of China Tourism Research Abstract: This research has used a quantitative approach through a questionnaire. A regression analysis has been conducted on HZMB users and tourists from GBA, to explore their different traveling behavior in terms of transport patterns... Journal paper Potnis T, Lau, Y. Y. & Yip, T. L. (2023) Sustainability Abstract: Blockchain technology has received immense attention in the supply chain industry due to its promising capabilities. This study was conducted to evaluate the potential capabilities of blockchain technology, which are highly relevant to the supply chain industry... Journal paper Wong, S., Yeung, J. K. W., Lau, Y. Y. & Kawasaki, T. (2023) Sustainability Abstract: The case study presented in this paper aims to fill this gap by exploring technically, environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable practices through the use cases of CBML for supply chain management by the international leading container shipping company Maersk... Journal paper Tang, Y. M., Lau, Y. Y. & Ho, U. L. (2023) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research Abstract: This study researched the relationship between the three factors of aesthetics, ease of use, and information quality in digital marketing and consumer satisfaction. Data from 120 respondents were collected via the internet... Journal paper Chen, Q., Lau, Y. Y., Zhang, P., Dulebenets, M. A., Wang, N. & Wang, T. (2023) Heliyon Abstract: This study attempts to obtain valuable insights based on the viewpoints of the key Chinese stakeholders concerning unmanned vessels, including the benefits, the restrictions, the obstacles to large‐scale implementation... Journal paper Kanrak, M., Traiyarach, S., Wuttipan, C. & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) Maritime Technology and Research Abstract: River cruise shipping is a tourism sectors which tends to have rapid growth. This study analyzes the structural properties and connectivity of the river cruise network and cruise ports by using complex network analysis... Journal paper Lau, Y. Y., Cheung, L. M. E., Chan, M. H. E. & Lee, S. W. (2023) International Journal of Educational Management Abstract: The present study adopts the analytical framework of new managerialism (NM) to explore the progress, challenges and outlook of self‐financing post‐secondary institutions in Hong Kong since 2000... Journal paper Chen, Q., Zhang, H., Lau, Y. Y., Wang, T., Wang, W. & Zhang, G. (2023) Sustainability Abstract: software tools for bibliometric analysis, VOSviewer, and Python were used to conduct a systematic quantitative analysis of the relevant literature on climate change, carbon peaks, and carbon neutralization... Journal paper Chan, O. L. K., Lau, Y. Y. & Chan, C. W. V. (2023) International Journal of Educational Management Abstract: This study empirically investigates the influence of students’ brand attitudes and perceptions of brand fit on their study intention vis‐à‐vis international brand alliances and individual brands after alliance... Journal paper Wu, Y. A., Lau, Y. Y., Wu, J. & Wong, L. M. (2023) Applied Sciences Abstract: This paper aims to study the feasibility of gradually introducing electric vehicles (EVs) in the Hong Kong taxi industry in the next decade... Journal paper Kanrak, M., Lau, Y. Y., Zhou, J., Ge, J. & Traiyarach, S. (2023) Sustainability Abstract: This study presented an empirical analysis of the Asian cruise shipping network (ACSN) in which the nodes are cruise ports and links are cruise routes connecting the ports, using complex network analysis... Journal paper Hu, R., Lau, Y. Y. & Wang, R. (2023) Sustainability Abstract: This paper establishes an evaluation index of international customs supervision competitiveness based on the eight indexes extracted from the World Customs Organisation (WCO) Revised Kyoto Convention and selects 21 representative national customs using the principal component analysis (PCA) method to assess their competitiveness against SPSSAU quantitatively... Journal paper Lee, J. L. M., Liu, V., & Cheng, C. (2023) Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Abstract: This study aims to propose and validate an integrative model using both advertising attitude factors and health beliefs to explain purchase intention and word of mouth in the context of green marketing... Journal paper Ng, A. W., Yorke, S. M., & Nathwani, J. (2022) Sustainability Abstract: This paper examines the need to develop global sustainability reporting standards based on the principle of double materiality to warrant... Journal paper Yorke, S. M., Donkor, A., & Appiagyei, K. (2023) Journal of Cleaner Production Abstract: This paper examines and compares the role of male financial experts (MFEs) and female financial experts (FFEs) of the Audit Committee (AC)... Journal paper Al-Rashid, M. A., Shamsul Harumain, Y. A., Goh, H. C., Ali, Z., Nadeem, M., & Campisi, T. (2023) Cities Abstract: This study suggests that the prevalent norms supporting public transport use can act as a complementary policy for... Journal paper Chen, Q., Ge, Y. E., Lau, Y. Y., Dulebenets, M. A., Sun, X., Kawasaki, T., Mellalou, A., & Tao, X. (2023) Maritime Policy and Management Abstract: This paper focuses on the analysis of the COVID-19 effects on passenger shipping in Danish waters as an example... Journal paper Cheung, M. L., Leung, K. S. W., Taheri, B., & Tse, S. Y. F. (2023) International Journal of Tourism Research Abstract: This paper explores the importance of two forms of interactions, namely marketer–traveler interaction and traveler–traveler interaction... Journal paper Elmi, Z., Li, B., Liang, B., Lau, Y. Y., Borowska-Stefańska, M., Wiśniewski, S., & Dulebenets, M. A. (2023) Computers and Industrial Engineering Abstract: This study proposes a novel multi-objective model for ship schedule recovery that aims not only to minimize the total late ship arrivals... Journal paper Gan, J., Shi, S., Filieri, R., & Leung, K. S. W. (2023) Tourism Management Abstract: This study investigates the interactive effects between visual and verbal framing of promotional tourism short video... Journal paper Huang, W., Cheng, C. S., Li, S., & Zhang, T. (2023) Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance Abstract: This study investigates whether CEO political contribution, as a measure of CEO political ideology... Journal paper Koay, K. Y., Cheung, M. L., Lom, H. S., & Leung, W. K. S. (2023) Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Abstract: This study aims to investigate the three-way interaction effect of sanitary risk... Journal paper Kwong, R., Kwok, M. L. J., & Wong, H. S. M. (2023) Sustainability Abstract: The primary objective of this study is to identify some of the most pertinent research in these fields... Journal paper Lau, M. M., Ng, P. M. L., Chan, A. H. E., & Cheung, C. T. Y. (2023) Young Consumers Abstract: This study aims to study the attitude toward purchasing luxury fashion of young consumers based on an extended model... Journal paper Lau, Y. Y., Ranjith, P. V., Chan, M. H., Kanrak, M., & Varma, A.(2023) Foresight Abstract: This study aims to empirically assesses how IBs perceive the unfolding challenges in the supply chain due to the pandemic and the solutions... Journal paper Leung, T. C. H., Guan, J., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal Abstract: This study aims to examine management attitude and awareness towards green logistics... Journal paper Leung, W. K. S., Chang, M. K., Cheung, M. L., & Shi, S. (2023) Information Technology and People Abstract: This research also examined how perceived travel risk influenced the relationship between mood management processes and future decisions. Journal paper Li, B., Elmi, Z., Borowska-Stefańska, M., Wiśniewski, S., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) Journal of Computational Design and Engineering Abstract: This study thoroughly selected scientific manuscripts dedicated to the berth allocation and scheduling problem... Journal paper Li, B., Liu, K., Chen, Q., Lau, Y. Y., & Dulebenets, M. A. (2023) Mathematics Abstract: This study proposes a new fuzzy programming model for closed-loop supply chain network design which directly relies on fuzzy methods... Journal paper Li, T., Chen, Q., Xi, Y., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) Sustainability (Switzerland) Abstract: This study aims to obtain a critical review of the characteristics and trends in Maritime English research over the last four decades... Journal paper Lo, S. K. J., & McKercher, B. (2023) International Journal of Tourism Cities Abstract: This study aims to examine the process of tourism gentrification from China tourists, a major source market, in two neighbourhoods in Hong Kong... Journal paper Montano, S., Gill-Simmen, L., Lee, D., Walsh, L., Duffy, D., & Newman, N. (2023) Journal of Marketing Management Abstract: This paper demonstrates the importance and role of authentic assessments, that replicate industry practice... Journal paper Ng, A. W., Leung, T. C. H., Yu, T. W., Cho, C. H., & Wut, T. M. E. (2023) Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal Abstract: This study aims to examine the potential disparities in ESG reporting among emerging Chinese enterprises... Journal paper Ng, P. M. L., Cheung, C. T. Y., Lit, K. K., Wan, C., & Choy, T. K. (2023) Business Strategy and the Environment Abstract: This study aims to investigate how consumers' perceived values influence different motivation types... Journal paper Poo, M. C. P., Lau, Y. Y., & Chen, Q. (2023) Education Sciences Abstract: This study seeks to provide an overview of the implementation status of virtual and remote laboratories during the lockdown... Journal paper Potnis, T., Lau, Y. Y., & Yip, T. L. (2023) Sustainability (Switzerland) Abstract: This study was conducted to evaluate the potential capabilities of blockchain technology... Journal paper Shi, S., Zhao, H., Li, H., Zhang, M., & Leung, W. K. S. (2023) Tourism Management Abstract: This study examines the double-edged sword effect of ESM through investigating the impact of ESM technostressors... Journal paper Suen, D. W. S., Chan, E. M. H., Lau, Y. Y., Lee, R. H. P., Tsang, W. K., Ouyang, S., & Tsang, C. W. (2023) Sustainability (Switzerland) Abstract: This article presents an overall picture to researchers outlining the possible value addition of textile waste materials... Journal paper Sun, X., Cao, X. L., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) Tourism Management Perspectives Abstract: This study provides a sentiment basis for a deep understanding of tourists' sentiment preference... Journal paper Sun, X., Xu, M., Lau, Y. Y., Kanrak, M., & Ng, A. K. Y. (2023) Research in Transportation Business and Management Abstract: This study investigates and designs shore excursion and tourism products... Journal paper Tang, Y. M., Chau, K. Y., Lau, Y. Y., & Zheng, Z. (2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland) Abstract: This study uses an e-commerce company as a case study to collect intensive inventory data... Journal paper Tang, Y. M., Lau, Y. Y., & Chau, K. Y. (2023) Education and Information Technologies Abstract: This study used a revision centre as a case study to develop the factors that contribute to the theoretical framework of online peer learning... Journal paper Tavitiyaman, P., Ren, L., Guan, J., & Chung, K. H. M.(2023) Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education Abstract: This study aims to explore the influence of H&T students’ personality traits on flow experience... Journal paper Tsang, K. C. K., Wong, A. Y. T., Chan, I., Wong, S. C. W., & So, C. H.(2023) International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning Abstract: The Student Response System (SRS) adds interactive elements in classrooms... Journal paper Tse, S. Y., Wang, D. T., Cheung, M. L., & Leung, W. K. S. (2023) European Journal of Marketing Abstract: This study aims to compare and distinguish the effects of the two digital platform functions, technical and social functions... Journal paper Vanharanta, M., & Wong, P. (2023) Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing Abstract: This study aims to contribute to the field of customer portfolio management by proposing a novel approach... Journal paper Wong, D. W. H., Tai, A. C. L., Chan, D. Y. T., & Lee, H. F. (2023) Current Issues in Tourism Abstract: This study investigates the causal relationships between international tourism development and the economic growth... Journal paper Wong, P., Vanharanta, M., Wan, C., & Lo, M. F. (2023) Journal of Consumer Behaviour Abstract: This study aims to investigate consumer participation in anti-price-fixing efforts... Journal paper Wu, J., Deng, S., Zhu, Y., Liu, Y., Wu, Y. A., Fu, R., & Hao, S. (2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland) Abstract: This paper aims to analyze the feasibility of carbon emission reduction through coordinating agricultural photovoltaic... Journal paper Wu, Y. A., Lau, Y. Y., Wong, L. M., & Wu, J. (2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland) Abstract: This paper aims to study the feasibility of gradually introducing electric vehicles... Journal paper Wut, T. M. E., Lee, S. W., & Xu, J.(2023) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health Abstract: This study is to investigate the associations between physical activity levels and the psychological outcomes... Journal paper Wut, T. M., Lee, D., & Lee, S. W. (2023) Sustainability (Switzerland) Abstract: This study presents a critical literature review on the tourist attitude–behavior gap... Journal paper Wut, T. M. E, Ng, M. L. P., & Low, M. P. (2023) Journal of Computers in Education Abstract: This study investigates the factors influencing university students’ online learning engagement from three distinct aspects... Journal paper Xin, W., Chen, Q., Yu Qi, Y., & Lau, Y. Y. (2023) Mathematics 2023 Abstract: In this paper, some compliance methods against Emission Control Areas at the operational level are examined... Journal paper Xu, J., & Au, C. S. T. (2023) Tourism Review Abstract: This study aims to provide a systematic review of the literature on destination competitiveness... Journal paper Xu, J., Pratt, S., & Yan, L. (2023) Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing Abstract: This study aims to explore destination mascots from a cognitive appraisal theory-based perspective... Journal paper Xu, J., Song, H., & Prayag, G. (2023) Tourism Management Perspectives Abstract: This study evaluates a model of authenticity cues to predict consumer repurchase intention... Journal paper Yan, L., York, Q. Y., & Xu, J. (2023) Journal of Vacation Marketing Abstract: In this study, two antecedents of India's destination image are introduced... Journal paper Yang, Z., Lau, Y. Y., & Kanrak, M. (2023) Journal of Cleaner Production Abstract: This study develops a data-driven Bayesian network model focusing on vessel performance... Journal paper Yip, T. L., Lau, Y. Y., & Kanrak, M. (2023) Frontiers in Marine Science Abstract: This study investigates how social transformation reshapes the cruise industry to discuss... Journal paper Chen, Q., Zhang, H., Lau, Y. Y., Kaiyuan, L., Ng, A. K. Y., Chen, W., Liao, Q., & Dulebenets, M. A. (2023) Journal of Marine Science and Engineering Abstract: A spatial analysis of pirate attacks using a Geographic Information System (GIS) was conducted in the present study using the data available for tankers... Journal paper Guan, J., Tavitiyaman, P., Ren, L., Wang, P., & Hong, F. (2023) Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism Abstract: The current study explores hospitality students’ online learning experience, taking into consideration their personality differences... Journal paper Kanrak, M., Lau, Y. Y., Ling, X., & Traiyarach, S. (2023) Maritime Business Review Abstract: This study analyses the cruise shipping network of ports in and around the emission control areas (ECAs) to understand the structural properties of the network and ports. Journal paper Lo, M. F., Ng, W. C. J., Ng, C. F. G., & Ng, M. L. P. (2023) International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing Abstract: This study aims to review and discuss the past, present and future of first aid and health training in Hong Kong. Journal paper Lo, S. K. J., Tavitiyaman, P., & Tsang, W. S. L. (2023) British Food Journal Abstract: This research investigates the effects of consumers' online information searching on their dining satisfaction in upscale restaurants during the pandemic. Journal paper Tavitiyaman, P., So, C. Y. A., & Chan, O. L. K. (2023) Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism Abstract: This study explores employees’ attitudes to technology adoption through their perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of technology adoption. |